'AI First' To Last_ How Google Fell Behind In The AI Boom ChatGPT Finally Won

A senior engineer at the company has warned that Google is lagging behind in the AI ​​competition.

A senior engineer of Google has said that Google has suffered a setback in the competition in the field of AI.

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Microsoft-backed OpenAI launched an AI chatbot called ChatGPT last November. This sat GBD has received great response from all over the world.

Various companies are developing AI chatbots to compete with ChatGPD. In particular, Google has developed a chatbot named Bard as a competitor to ChatGPT. However, Bard has also been criticized for giving some wrong information.

On the other hand, other tech companies like Amazon are also developing AI chatbots. In China too, companies like Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu have developed their own AI chatbots. In India, TCS has announced that it is developing an AI chatbot.

In this case, a senior engineer of Google has said that Google has suffered a setback in the AI ​​competition. He has written a critical article about it. But this critical article has been leaked and is being shared and discussed virally in tech circles.

In it, he said, “We’re very much looking at what OpenAI is doing. But who will hit the next milestone? The uncomfortable truth is that we are not in a position to win this race. At the same time OpenAI won’t win either.

While we are fighting here a third team is eating our food. That is open source technology. We (Google) have no secret strategy. We need to learn what others are doing outside of Google and make a joint effort,” he said.

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