Mumbai: Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai and her daughter Aaradhya have also been diagnosed with corona infection. Corona confirmed to Amitabh and Abhishek Bachchan yesterday. Those two people have been admitted to Nanavati Hospital located in Mumbai. In the corona test to be done on them last night, the corona was confirmed. But how corona has spread to them and not yet confirmed right now!.
Both have been treated at last day at Nanavati Hospital. Amitabh Bachan says I’m okay in good health condition. Abhishek Bachan, on the other hand, is being treated without much harm. Both have been diagnosed with corona without corona symptoms. So they have no major impact.
Now, Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Corona has also suffered. Corona infection has also been confirmed in his daughter Aradhya. Thus they are to be admitted to the same Nanavati Hospital.
Amitabh Bachchan’s wife and MP Jaya Bachchan are not the only ones affected by the Corona. Jaya Bachchan is not the only one currently suffering from corona at Amitabh’s house.
They tested for employees who are in their home at this stage before affecting. They guess that the corona may have circulate there through them.